For long-track speed skating

The Technical University Delft Sports Engineering Institute has discovered a way to identify the optimal skating technique. We have developed wireless instrumented klapskates that record the energy transfer from skater to skate in relation to the time and to the direction, in which the skater is moving.
The option to send data wirelessly to other devices makes it possible to provide speed skaters and coaches with real-time feedback on how to improve their skating performance within an individual stroke.
On-ice measurements showed the possibility of recording with both skates simultaneously and synchronously, on straights, as well as in curves.
About TU Delft Sports Engineering Institute
Towards continuous performance improvement, top-level athletes need top-level clothing and equipment comprising of the best materials and design. Can it be made faster, higher, with less drag? These are the kind of questions that TU Delft can provide answers to. The wireless klapskate is just one of many interesting projects that the Sports
Engineering institute has pioneered. It was developed in cooperation with the VU Amsterdam University and the KNSB (Netherlands Royal Skating Association) amongst
Would you like to know more about this project? Please read the article Wireless instrumented klapskates for long-track speed skating in the Journal of Sports Engineering available at: or contact us directly.
Delft University of Technology
Eline van der Kruk
Mobile: +31 (0)6 417 27 79