Practical research relevant to performance, exercise and health
The ‘Amsterdam Institute of Sports Science’ (AISS) is an international knowledge centre for sports, exercise and health in Amsterdam. It focuses on practical research relevant to performance, exercise and health.

The research mainly takes place in so-called field labs. These are physical locations in ‘the field’ with state-of-the-art test and measurement facilities where we do on-site examinations and give advice to professional and amateur athletes and patients.
More about AISS
The AISS is a partnership between the VU University, VU Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, AMC and Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. AISS seeks close cooperation with sports organisations and the Centre for Elite Sports and Education (CTO) Amsterdam. AISS collaborates with international universities in several research projects.
AISS has a large portfolio of interesting projects. Just a few are mentioned here.
Training strategies for speed skaters and rowers
For many sports, an athlete needs both to be able to endure and to peak or sprint. Whereas endurance asks for thin muscle filaments, sprinting demands thick muscle filaments. This research deals with these conflicting demands during training and seeks solutions to boost performance.
An international team is working on the net health effects of running. Running promotion is a way to yield a healthier lifestyle. However, running carries a substantial risk of injuries. The research question is how to better balance benefits and risks.
Injury prevention in children’s football
This project aims to assess the effectiveness of an exercise-based prevention program to reduce football-related injuries in children younger than 13 years old.
Would you like to know more about our projects or are you interested in working with us? Please contact us.
Amsterdam Institute of Sport Science
Neal Damen
Mobile: +31 (0)6 21 158 553